Learning Barre Chords? Try This First!

Barre Chords are a key progression from beginner to intermediate playing but are tricky to learn. Use this video to explore barre chords in a simpler way and then build up to full barre chords. Music theory wise, the chords we play are inversions however the chords sound very similar to our usual major/minor chords.

ACDC – Rock N Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution Guitar Lesson

The first full length ACDC guitar lesson on this channel! This is Rock N Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution. It combines finger picking with those big meaty power chords that we know and love from AC/DC. Turn the volume up on your amp and lets go!

Lullaby – The Cure Guitar Tutorial | 2 Chords + Lead Guitar

The very first Cure guitar tutorial on this channel! We’re looking at how to play Lullaby. This track only has two chords in it, however, there’s also a lead guitar part which is played which can be a little bit tricky to get the timing right. We’re going to go over this in the guitar...

The Pixies – Where Is My Mind? Guitar Lesson

This is a guitar lesson for The Pixies – Where Is My Mind? A great song with practice for bar chords and also lead guitar. The lesson for the guitar solo can be found in the link below!

Ghostbusters Theme – Guitar Lesson

Hey guys, Josh here. With Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to look at a spooky song (insert woos here). This is of course, the Ghostbusters theme song. Some fun little parts in this and to be honest, just a fun song in general! Great for playing to family!

The Pixies – Where Is My Mind? Solo Guitar Lesson

A couple of weeks ago I dropped a video with a lesson for the classic song Where Is My Mind? by The Pixies. This week, it’s the solo! A short and very sweet solo. Where Is My Mind lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0DEcRzyYVE&t=95s

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