Learning Barre Chords? Try This First!

Barre Chords are a key progression from beginner to intermediate playing but are tricky to learn. Use this video to explore barre chords in a simpler way and then build up to full barre chords. Music theory wise, the chords we play are inversions however the chords sound very similar to our usual major/minor chords.

Struggling to PLAY Power Chords? Learn These 3 SLOW Riffs!

The number one issue that my students have when learning power chords in moving them quickly. The classic songs which use power chords are normally fast paced and it can be tricky to move between frets. So this video consists of 3 SLOW songs which use power chords which can be practiced to build up...

Ghostbusters Theme – Guitar Lesson

Hey guys, Josh here. With Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to look at a spooky song (insert woos here). This is of course, the Ghostbusters theme song. Some fun little parts in this and to be honest, just a fun song in general! Great for playing to family!

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